Monday, 24 January 2011

My "me" day

It's funny, i consider myself a pretty open and optimistic person...and generally i am. But then there are times that for whatever reason i bottle things up in my sometimes crazy little head. At these times i can become a mess of negativity and confusion. One such time was last night; having finished university i am now faced with becoming part of the "real world", which for me and most people like me, means making important decisions for myself that will affect the way my life goes from here. Last night for various reasons this overwhelmed me a little. Luckily a very special person was there to comfort me which now brings me to this blog's title.

This person suggested that rather than get myself all worked up, instead, to take a step back, take some time, and do something to clear my mind to allow me to face these decisions with some perspective. And that is just what i did...something i will now fondly refer to as "me day". Today i decided to at least spend part of the day just letting myself take a breather and do something for me. I headed into central London and just let myself wander and window shop and bought a cuuute top...anddd to finish it all off i had lunch for one at a great restaurant called Carluccio's in the adorable St Christopher's Place. I had the Pasta Giardiniera which is just one of the most deliciousss dishes - penne pasta, with spinach balls and courgettes which i then drown in parmesan....its so yummy i cant stress enough.

I read my book and (a favorite past time) people watched. A woman was sitting across the table from me also dining for one, and i thought sometimes a little alone time can be just the medicine.

Now, though still faced with the same things, i feel better. So next time you feel a little lost take some time, and do something nice for yourself - a bubble bath, a lovely meal, seeing a loved one, whatever it takes. You'll be amazed what a few hours of time set aside for you can do for you.

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