Friday, 25 February 2011

Yes, Weekend

I am so glad the weekend is finally here. It's been a long and tiring week; I am in the process of looking for my first permanent job after graduating university. I had a whole bunch of interviews this week, which for some reason I find extremely draining. But, I'm feeling positive - there have been a few really interesting opportunities come up and here's to hoping that next by next Friday I'll have some exciting job news!

I looove my weekends. What do I love about them? I'll tell you...

- We have huge family Friday night dinners and Saturday lunches every week with all my cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles - ever seen 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'? Yep, that's pretty much my family just mine is the Persian Jewish version.
-Spending hours reading all the weekend papers and catching up with my books which I never seem to find time to read during the week.
-Spending quality time with my boyfriend and friends.
-Not waking up to an alarm clock.
-Trying out new restaurants, bars, movies, cafes and not having to rush home because I don't have to get up the next day.
-My Sunday Zumba class - working out has never been so much fun!

Anyway to sum up, YES, WEEKEND.

Hope you all have a lovely one. I'd love to know what you love about your weekends?


1 comment:

  1. It must be so nice to have a big family! Definitely looking forward to not waking up to an alarm clock tomorrow! xoxoxoo
